Aluminum phosphide is a fumigant and insecticide widely used at home and abroad. Its main purpose is to effectively prevent and control pests that infest stored products such as grain and Chinese medicinal materials. This compound absorbs water vapor in the air and gradually decomposes to release phosphine (PH3) gas, which can be used as an effective insecticide. Phosphine is a colorless, highly toxic gas with a distinct acetylene odor. It has a specific gravity of 1.183, which is slightly heavier than air but lighter than other fumigant gases. The gas has excellent permeability and diffusivity, making it a convenient and effective pest control option.

There are specific methods for fumigation of soil with aluminum phosphide to control vegetable root-knot nematodes. About 22.5-75 kg of 56% aluminum phosphide tablet pesticide composition is used per hectare. Prepare the soil by trenching or digging a hole about 30 cm deep. Pesticides are manually sprayed on these prepared areas and then covered with soil. Or use machinery to directly apply pesticides into the soil to a depth of 30 cm, and then cover with plastic film. Before sowing and transplanting crops or vegetables, fumigate the soil for 5 to 7 days.

This fumigation method using aluminum phosphide flakes is especially suitable for greenhouse vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, peppers, kidney beans, and cowpeas. These types of vegetables thrive when planted in soil treated with aluminum phosphide flakes. In addition, the method is also effective for treating open field soil and controlling root-knot nematode diseases of economically important crops such as ginger, vegetables, peanuts and tobacco.

Fumigation using aluminum phosphide is an important tool in agricultural practice. It is able to penetrate the respiratory system or body membrane of the pests, ensuring quick and fatal poisoning and effectively eradicating these harmful insects. By applying the proper dosage and following proper fumigation techniques, farmers and growers can protect their stored produce as well as their crops from the damaging effects of pests.

In addition, the use of aluminum phosphide flakes in the fumigation process provides a more convenient method compared to other alternatives. Its strong penetrating and diffusing properties allow for effective distribution throughout the soil, effectively targeting pests and preventing the spread of root-knot nematode disease. Additionally, the relatively simple process of spraying or applying the tablets to the soil makes it a more convenient and accessible option for farmers.

Overall, aluminum phosphide flakes have proven to be a valuable solution for agricultural fumigation and pest control. Their effectiveness, convenience and wide range of applications make them an important tool in protecting stored produce and crops from the harmful effects of pests. With proper use and adherence to recommended guidelines, farmers can successfully safeguard yields and ensure the health and growth of their produce.

Aluminium phosphide 56 TB white
Aluminium phosphide 56 grey

Post time: Aug-11-2023